The Space Between You & Me

Lily is a Korean-American adoptee, exploring the trauma of international adoption through her birth mother, Myungsoon, and another Korean American adoptee, Emily. The reasons for adoption are often complex, sad, and bittersweet. Through sharing Korean culture, making kimchi, or getting a tattoo, Emily and Lily have different ways to reclaim their lost identity. But can they ever find belonging between these two worlds?

Featuring Emily Flynn, Chloe Flynn, Hank Flynn and Myungsoon Ji
Director & Producer: Lily Ahree Siegel
Cinematographers: Dilenia Rodriguez, Hugh Clegg
Editor: Jon Crook
Composer: Hannah Barrett
Sound Design/Mix: Dan Hibbert
Production Sound Mixer: Sam Thomas
Colourist & Online Editor: Jongheon Lee
Production Manager: Tania Louro Perez
Titles & Graphics: Emma Beinish
Interpreter & Translator: Jiyoung Park